Land of the Long White Cloud

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

No hot water!

Tried to have a shower but there's no bloomin' hot water. Luckily the landlord and his agent were looking around the place at the time so it should be sorted by this afternoon. So I'm just gonna have to go in town smelling slightly.

I put $3 into the jar for the houses shared stuff like bog paper, washing up liquid, etc... after a stinky note was left on the white board by Francis. Why couldn't he just talk to me face to face as we live in the same house? What a wanker!

Last night I talked to a friend back home whom I haven't talked to for ages. He is a friend from my school and church days. We were also in a band together, he was the singer and I was a guitarist. I phoned to congratulate him as he's getting married in October to an Irish girl. The wedding is in Belfast so if I'm back in time I hope to go. My closest friends have already booked their flights and are making a long weekend of it. I'm really happy for him because since school he dreamed of marrying a beautiful Irish girl. God must have rewarded him for committing himself to the church and becoming a methodist minister, he was ordained last week after a two year probationary period.


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