Land of the Long White Cloud

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Alpine Expeditions

I've just booked Transport + Ski Started Pak at Mount Hutt for tomorrow. Thankfully, they have a door to door service which means they pick me up from my house at 7am and deliver you straight to the ski field. I'm nervously excited as I have never skied before and have nightmares of one leg going one way and the other going in the opposite direction and serious pain commencing. Also I've never broken before and I hear that this is common enough whilst skiing. Also it's gonna be frreezzing. I might buy some thermals today. I'm going with a company called Alpine Expeditions and they arrange the pick up, 2 x 1.5 hour lessons, hire equipment, ski clothing and a novice ski pass.

I'm gonna take my camera so should get some awesome shots across the Cantebury Plains of the Southern Alps. I love mountains. They have an almost mystical presence that stems from their ancient age and what they must have witnessed over time if they had eyes overlooking the surrounding land. Mountain ranges are so immense I wonder if other forms of life live deep inside the mountains' heart, or is it just rock?


  • You going all Lord of the Rings on us? Things hidden in the deep of the mountain? Sure Mr Balrog would be most obliged at giving you a hand in finishing yourself off once he's through with Gandalf, that is if you haven't done it to yourself already on those bloody ski's?!

    Have fun, and be careful now.

    Hugs and stuff, Clare

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:41 pm  

  • Thanks for your concern. I didn't find any secret passages into the mountains' belly but I safely crashed on its snowy white layer of skin.

    By Blogger spike, at 2:00 pm  

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