Land of the Long White Cloud

Friday, August 13, 2004

Boo hoo :( Return to Auckland

I'm on the intercity bus now going to Auckland where I fly home on Friday the 13th (spooky eh?). I have just left a great bunch of people. This is the bane of travelling; making new friendships only for them to mutate into an email correspondence that lasts for 2 or 3 messages. I left another bunch of bus pals in Christchurch when I flew north to Auckland. I may meet up with mad-as-a-hatter french canadian guy when he gets to London in September and an english girl at the V festival who, like me, is returning to uni to do a masters. Hopefully I'll see some of those I've met during my travels again though quite a few live in other countries, good excuse to go eh? Sorry, lately I've been appending 'eh' to the end of lots of spoken sentences, it's a kiwi thing, just like saying 'sweet as' to everything.

I haven't updated this blog much in the past two weeks because I've always been doing something plus I was usually in da coontry lad. So I'm gonna try to write as much as what I remember. There were certain highlights that I will never forget such as going to Uncle Boy's house in Maketu, there were so many beautiful maori folk and I mean this to describe their inner as well as outer self.


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