Land of the Long White Cloud

Monday, July 19, 2004

Apple Tree Bay II

This place was breathtaking. I stripped from 4 layers down to just my t-shirt and read my book for 20 minutes. Then a bloke with a chainsaw turned up and informed me he was going to cut down some branches from a tree I was sitting under. Before I knew it I was mucking in, passing the saw up, tying rope around the branches to pull them into a safe position as they fell. It was good fun, something totally unexpected. The tree surgeon lived just around the corner in a hidden bay. He said that in summer the beach would have been teeming with people and there would be about 300 kayaks darting around the sea.

I made my way down the bay to find one of the steep paths that led up to the main track. I had to take my shoes and socks off at one point to get through a creek than flowed from the mountain into the sea. It was a bit nippy. I found the path and was aided up to the top by pulling on bits of hose pipe tied to tree trunks. When I got to the grass clearing again I sat and read for a bit and was joined by Kathy who had taken a boat early in the morning to much further down the track. She had been walking for the past 5 hours except for a stop for lunch in her own deserted bay.

I got back to Marahau with just enough light to take some pics of the animals on old McDonalds farm. Hens, ducks, pheasants and native birds were waddling along.

There was a field of llamas and our bus driver, James, delighted in telling us that llamas will poo in only one part of a field unlike sheep who do it wherever.


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